Hi everyone!
People in Austria receive a bonus for 2900 kwh / year (seems to be from 01.12.2022 - 30.11.2023) on electricity plus maybe some extra bonus for additional people per houshold while its amount is not fixed yet.
The bonus is the difference between the energy price someone pays (without taxes) and 0.10 EUR, while the maximum bonus is 0.30 EUR (so max. energy price net 0.40 EUR, anything above is not aided).
I now switched to the provider “Awattar” whos tariffs are index-based, resulting in different prices per hour. As you still pay the tax for the full price without funding, it’s still best to consume energy when prices are low (and of course also to not unnecesarrily consume aid which we afterwards will have to compensate with taxes …)
The bonus here gets calculated per billing period.
Each day per month gets 7.5 kwh of funding. This multiplied by the number of days and the average price (not just the average price but really what each individual paid on average, weighted) results in the bonus.
How would I show this in energy dashboard?
As I don’t know the average price that I will pay over the month, I can not just add a sensor.
Is there any way to recalculate the funding for the previous days in the same period continuously? The only other option I see is importing the amount of an additional pv collector array at the very end of each cycle but that’s not a beautiful solution.