I am new to HA and Node-Red. This is my first success in getting anything to work. Skip to the end if you just want to see the question. I am trying to give enough information to solicit some help. I have been reading the forums and haven’t found this, sorry if it is out there.
My setup:
I currently have 3 Treatlife DS01 dimmers and 2 Stitch 27937 switches that I did the tasmota flash, and it worked well. Very happy about that. I have compete control in HA.
My Goal:
The Treatlife dimmers are not 3 way dimmers. I planned to use them as a “Primary” and “Slave.” In the wall Dimm1 would have the lights hooked up to them and Dimm2 would have nothing hooked up to it. Dimm2 would be there just to send commands to HA.
So if I put both dimmers to subscribe to the same channel, 90% is perfect. If I tell HA to turn on Dimm1 it turns on both Dimm1 and Dimm2. If I adjust the brightness of Dimm1 it is reflected on Dimm2 as well. If I physically turn on or off DImm1 it reflects properly Dimm2 and same with physically touching Dimm2.
All is great until I try and change the physical brightness on either dimmer. It isn’t reflected on the other.
I have been trying to learn HA and Node-Red as well as I can. I feel like Node-Red would be great for fixing this problem. But as I don’t have a full understanding of it yet, I need help.
I think what I need to do is have it read the state change message from either dimmer and then publish a message telling the dimmers to set themselves to that new brightness. I might have to separate them back out of their joined channel if that’s easier. Read from topic dimm1 and post to topic dimm2. Or option 2 keep the dimmers in the same channel and just read state change and publish a change to both dimmers to change to the new value.
How would I go about reading a state change message that says it changed to 40% brightness and then publish a message telling all dimmers to go to 40% brightness?
Looks like HA sends