I have set up a boolean input called Guest Mode.
I use it to passively activate my away lighting automation when we all leave the house.
I’d like to also use it to temporarily disable automations when we have (non-overnight) guests like for a party.
To that end, I’ve added conditions to the automations I wish to temporarily disable Guest Mode is Off.
At the moment, I’ve got a tag that we hit with our phones to toggle Guest Mode On/Off but we often forget to use it resulting in unwanted automation behavior.
I’m looking for ideas to automate Guest Mode to turn on or off
This requires additional sensors, but … maybe use a presence detection? Ether something like Aqara Presence Sensor FP2 or use ESP32 and scan for BT devices (assuming some guests would have phones) and change your Guest Mode based on that.
I use the homekit integration because of useing iPhone. Added 2 input_booleans for me and my friend. In homekit added 4 automations: 2 when we leave and 2 when we arrive within a radius of home. It will turn on of off the booleans.
In HA you can use those booleans in your automation.