I just want to check if I’ve created this automation correctly before i enable it and end up flooding my chook pen when i go to work tomorrow.
The device is a tasmota flashed 8ch esp32 relay board which is now my irrigation/watering controller. It triggers various irrigation solenoids around the house.
My goal is to automate a sprinkler valve to my chook house.
Conditions are that if temperature is above 38°C then trigger sprinkler valve but only if it has not been triggered in the last 45 min. If the sprinkler has been triggered within the last 45min, then wait until 45min is up and turn sprinkler on and only if outdoor temp is over 38°C.
The sprinkler run time is set within tasmota using pulsetime as i also have a manual push button outside to also trigger the sprinkler. Its just a simple push the button, sprinkler comes on for pulsetime duration and then turns off.
I haven’t really played with automations a lot and still learning.
This is what i have come up with, could someone verify if I’ve gone about this the right way?
alias: Cool Chickens
description: ""
- trigger: numeric_state
- sensor.gw2000c_outdoor_temperature
above: 38
- condition: state
entity_id: switch.tasmota_14
state: "off"
hours: 0
minutes: 45
seconds: 0
- action: switch.turn_on
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: switch.tasmota_14
mode: single