i have an automation with a persistent notification that i would like to dismiss automatically when the trigger is solved.
- alias: Espresso bijvullen
id: '1511601478447'
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.espresso_keuken_actueel
above: 0
below: 1
minutes: 1
condition: []
- service: notify.notify
title: 'Espresso bijvullen:'
message: Espresso staat aan maar heeft geen water meer!
- service: notify.ios_telefoonmhb
message: Espresso needs refilling.
- service: persistent_notification.create
message :
"Espresso staat aan maar heeft geen water meer!"
title: Espresso bijvullen
It is based on the power usage of the sensor/switch, which as you can see in the trigger is called when power is between 0 (off) and 1 (on but no water to heat). If above 1(1,6 actually but 1 would do just fine) (minimal power usage when in operation) the espresso machine is allright 
Obviously I’d love to have only one automation, but I am struggling how to adjust the above with the Dismiss action. Could you please have a look with me?
Hi. Did you solve it?
I have a similar problem that I can’t figure.
You can probably use template sensor or variables from here: https://github.com/rogro82/hass-variables
It will function and handle the “dismissed” state.
Then use it as condition in your automation.
had forgotten about that one… always take care it doesn’t trigger 
maybe this will work, will check in a minute:
- alias: Espresso bijvullen
id: '1511601478447'
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.espresso_keuken_actueel
above: 0
below: 1
minutes: 1
condition: []
- service: notify.notify
title: 'Espresso bijvullen:'
message: Espresso staat aan maar heeft geen water meer!
- service: notify.notify #ios_telefoonmhb
message: Espresso needs refilling.
- service: persistent_notification.create
message :
"Espresso staat aan maar heeft geen water meer!"
title: Espresso bijvullen
notification_id: "espresso notification"
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.espresso_keuken_actueel
above: 10
- service: persistent_notification.dismiss
notification_id: "espresso notification"
message: "Enjoy!"
maybe better change the last message into:
- service: notify.notify
title: "Espresso refilled."
message: "Enjoy!"
otherwise we’ll have a new persistent notification to dismiss…
I was looking for a way to dismiss a notification WHEN a numeric value goes under a certain value.
Now I have a (maybe too) simple delay on the dismissal of the notification, based on the _id.
If the value is still over that value when the notification is dismissed, a new notification is created, with the same ID.
Not the cleanest way, but if I put the dismissal condition in the flow, and the value is under the threshold, the notify is NEVER dismissed
What am I missing?