Automatically activate a Yale Smart Alarm on Home exit

Hi I have a RPi Zero running Buster, HA 0.106.6. It controls switches, a Yale Smart Alarm and cameras. I wanted to be able to automatically activate the alarm when I left home. It would need to have the enable/disable button so that I could allow others to remain in the the house if necessary.
I have coded a device tracker that uses my router to ping my phone. This works well and the HA app shows the phone home or away. I have tried to create an automation with the automation editer that links this to the services from the Yale Alarm - alarm_arm_home. I have also tried to write automation code directly to my configuration.yaml. No success so far using either platform state or template. Does anyone have some code that works for this? Thanks

What is ‘Sarmt’ ???

EIDT: Tihs is not to be ctnosuerd as aynhntig oehtr tahn a rthcaeroil qoiutsen

Can you please show the code that didn’t work?

@Mutt Fxeid it for you :wink:

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Hi I copy/paste my code attempts. Any thoughts appreciated. Maybe this code would have worked but for some mistake on my part.

  • alias: “Alarm: Armed iPhone Away”
    platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.yale_smart_alarm
    to: ‘armed_home’
    condition: device_tracker.feh_iphone
    state: Away
    service: scene.apply
    entity_id: scene.OnArmedHome

Example configuration.yaml entry


  • platform: template
    value_template: “{{ states(‘alarm_control_panel.real_alarm’) }}”
    - condition: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.feh_iphone
    state: ‘away’
    - service: alarm_arm_home
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.yale_smart_alarm
    code: xxxxx
    - condition: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.feh_iphone
    state: ‘home’
    - service: alarm_arm_disarm
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.yale_smart_alarm
    code: xxxxx

Example automation

platform: state
entity_id: device_tracker.feh_iphone
from: “home”
to: “away”
service: scene.apply
state: armed_home

Example automations.yaml entry

  • id: my_unique_id # <-- Required for editor to work, for automations created with the editor the id will be automatically generated.
    alias: Yale Alarm Armed Away
    • platform: state
      entity_id: device_tracker.feh_iphone
      from: home
      to: away
    • service: alarm_arm_home

Please read this topic and format your code correctly afterwards.

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Hi Yes- sorry I was rushing and I am not sure exactly how to keep the spacing. So I have made an image of the yaml file. Hope this works.

Are you using all the above automations? You do not need to for this simple task.

All you need is a trigger when your phone leaves your “home” zone. Then a action to call the “arm_home”

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Did you read the topic I linked???

Copy your code in the forum post, highlight the code, press </> button on top, done.

Hi Thanks. No, I tried these individually - I was just sending all my attempts collected in one file. Just to check trigger: phone away, action: armed_home - I will try it later today. Thanks again

Thanks - I will do this in future.

Hi I have tried to use the automation editor to build this. The trigger - my phone home to away and then the action to call service - arm_home. All this seems to go well as I can select my phone from “states” and “call services” for the Yale armed_home - both from the drop down menus. But the editor will not save this simple automation - it gives me no error message but there seems to be something else I need to add. Any ideas much appreciated. Thanks.

Do you have this in configuration.yaml?

automation: !include automations.yaml

Hi Yes - I paste a section:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)
  automation: !include automations.yaml
  customize: !include customize.yaml
# Show the introduction message on startup.

But there is something odd because my automations.yaml has other automations I have created but these are not present under the automation section of the UI. I do use WinSCP and notepad++ to look and edit these yaml files separately from the HA editor - does this create a problem? Thanks.

Read this part of the automation editor docs.

Thanks - I copied my editor produced automations into configuratuion.yaml - now I just need to check if the automatic trigger idea from Dayve67. I will let you know. Your help is much appreciated.

Hi I have not been successful with this. My configuration.yaml has:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)
  automation: !include automations.yaml
  customize: !include customize.yaml
  script: !include scripts.yaml
# Show the introduction message on startup.
#introduction: Hi

I still have problems however using the automation editor in HA - I can create the automation and it is present in automations.yaml but it does not appear as an automation list in HA. There are always errors when I check the configuration. Here is my automations.yaml: the error message is automations.yaml", line 1, column 1
expected , but found ‘’

- id: '1584626326778'
  alias: Automatic Yale Alarm
  description: ''
  - entity_id: device_tracker.feh_iphone
    from: Home
    platform: state
    to: Away
  condition: []
  - data: {}
    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home
- id: '1001'
- alias: Doorbell_pressed_automation 
    platform: mqtt 
    topic: dev/test
    payload: 'Capture!' 
    - service: automation.turn_off 
      entity_id: automation.doorbell_pressed_automation 
    - service: script.turn_on 
      entity_id: script.doorbell_pressed_script 
    - delay: "00:00:5" 
    - service: automation.turn_on 
      entity_id: automation.doorbell_pressed_automation

Does anything look wrong? Thanks!

- id: '1001'
- alias: Doorbell_pressed_automation 

Well I don’t use the AE but if I did the list item would be the id: so not sure why alias: would have a dash before it as a separate list item

Thanks that’s worked - the configuration is valid with the change. But I expected to create an executable entity - am I mssing something else from the code? I do not think these automations are being activated - how could that happen?

What do you mean with this?

If you go to the sidebar, Developer Tools → States, do you see your automations there and do they have a state ‘on’?

Hi thanks for the idea - no they are not there.