Automaticon with Calendar Trigger doesn't work

Good morning,

I have an automation with the trigger Calendar Trigger with a calendar named Local_calendar.

I have set a condition type template so that the automation is only executed when the event summary matches a text that I define, in this case Aurelia_viene.

I have activated the automation, I have created some events in the calendar with the summary Aurelia_viene but the automation is not executed when the event start or when it ends.

Please, could anyone help me to solve my problem?

Thank you so much.

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In the future, please post the yaml for your automations instead of a screenshot so that others don’t have to retype everything.

You have a typo in your template.

  - platform: calendar
    event: start
    offset: "0:0:0"
    entity_id: calendar.local_calendar
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ 'Aurelia_viene' in trigger.calendar_event.summary }}"

Additionally, be careful with your order of operations when testing calendar triggers. Calendars are read once every 15 minutes. When testing, make sure you do not plan events less than 15 minutes away from the current time, or your trigger might not fire. If you don’t want to wait, you can get around this by reloading the automation after you have added the calendar event.

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Thank you so much. I have already corrected the error and tried that it works. I’ll post the yaml next time.