I’m pretty new to HA, but have been using ST for awhile. I am trying to do something that should be pretty easy, but I can’t seem to get it.
If Apple 4k TV is “on” using physical remote then turn on Stereo and select apple TV.
if Apple 4K TV is turned “off” using physical remote then select stereo to “cable”
The Stereo part works well, but the Apple TV status changes goes thru on/pause off/standby and Remote_appleTv and Media_player_appleTV gets out of sync.
I don’t follow. Why care what state the remote is in at all? Have the automation trigger only on when the Apple TV itself (its media player enttiy) enters/leaves standby.
Maybe I am not thinking this thru correctly, “user” hits power button on apple tv remote, I want stereo to switch to input “Apple TV”. and if “shutdown” just move stereo to “Cable”
when I tried to just deal with the Remote only, the media player never kicked in, or HA didn’t see it. So maybe I need to somehow on “on” send Apple TV to Home _screen everytime, because it seems to go to last app running in pause mode and HA doesn’t seem to notice. That’s what i am seeing, I think
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I understand what you want to accomplish, but I really have no idea how you are attempting to do it or why you’ve chosen to do it that way.