Automation based on addon log output


Is there a way to trigger an automation based on an output in the logs of an addon.
Cause the addon is not giving an event out to homeassistant when something happens the only way is to watch the logs and create the automations based on that.

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Possible, perhaps many ways, but I would target using Python custom component , and write a script to interrogate a text file (log). Lots of examples of Python reading and manipulating text files - google. There’s also a guide on HA to write a basic custom component.


I would not personally find this acceptable because any minor change to how the log file writes its output , would/might render your code invalid/erroneous. Hence it would not be logical to presume that your script is working because it is subject to logging change that you are not tracking. Better to ask the addon developer , request a log file and if possible using JSON. I find it strange though because most devs would have some way of logging their application flow.

Yes, I came across that too. Thought there might be a much easier method ^^
I just asked the developer and he answered immediately, he adds an event so no need for that diversions anymore ^^

yes, developers will seek to enhance their baby where appropriate and suitable to the masses.

i need this too…