Automation Condition state number formated as text, can only enter number in yaml

So wondering on how you could add a number to a condition state in the GUI.
When for example i want to check if the cover is somewhere below 100% i get this from the GUI:

condition: not
  - condition: state
    entity_id: cover.zonwering_woonkamer
    attribute: current_position
    state: "100"

And it does not work, i then change to Yaml editing and just remove the “”

state: 100

Then it works, so logic would say i would have to use numeric state… but that only has an option for below and above. While i could say below 100 i would just want to compare it to 1 value.
Is there a better option for doing this from the GUI? Its easy enough to edit the yaml or create a template. But it feels like there should be a GUI option for that.

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