Automation for Growatt SPF inverter to change the charge values once per day, looking at SOC (battery state of charge)

I’m relatively new in this wonderful community and I will need some guidance, please. I’m on HA 2024.2.0, using the HassOS image.

I try to make an automation for my 2 inverters Growatt SPF 5000 ES. I read all the data in HA from my solar assistant through Mosquito mqtt.
My goal is to charge full power (max 90 A each inverter) until the SOC of the battery reaches 97% and then to lower the charge to 10 A each inverter until the baterry reaches 100% and my bms will disconnect… But only if the battery energy in is above 1100W, otherwise no need to change the charge values from 90 to 10.
Then, when the SOC of the battery reaches 96% and lower the automation changes again the charge values to 90 A and so on, but only once per day.
I tried different automations and changing charge values following the SOC value worked for me (not satisfactory, though), but the only thing which I couldn’t make is to trigger the automation only once per day… Can anyone help me, please?
Below is the code I am using now:

alias: Integrare Growatt
description: ""
 - platform: sun
   event: sunrise
   offset: 0
   id: Sun
 - platform: numeric_state
     - sensor.growattwatt_spf_x_2_battery_energy_in
   above: 1100
condition: []
 - choose:
     - conditions:
         - condition: template
           value_template: >-
             {% if states('sensor.growattwatt_spf_x_2_battery_state_of_charge')
             | int > 97 %}
             {%- else -%}
             {%- endif %}
         - device_id: c6a8a16eed739e5c06ed4425bdb76568
           domain: number
           entity_id: f0eb1f314aab84d341b75bbb7b7ad964
           type: set_value
           value: 10
         - device_id: c6a8a16eed739e5c06ed4425bdb76568
           domain: number
           entity_id: 053dd901f932f87e0f2d48a36634796c
           type: set_value
           value: 10
         - service: notify.notify
           metadata: {}
             message: "Încărcare lenta Growatt "
     - conditions:
         - condition: template
           value_template: >-
             {% if states('sensor.growattwatt_spf_x_2_battery_state_of_charge')
             | int < 96 %}
             {%- else -%}
             {%- endif %}
         - device_id: c6a8a16eed739e5c06ed4425bdb76568
           domain: number
           entity_id: f0eb1f314aab84d341b75bbb7b7ad964
           type: set_value
           value: 90
         - device_id: c6a8a16eed739e5c06ed4425bdb76568
           domain: number
           entity_id: 053dd901f932f87e0f2d48a36634796c
           type: set_value
           value: 90
         - service: notify.notify
           metadata: {}
             message: "Încărcare normala Growatt "
mode: single

Thank you!