Automation frequency slow / random?

I’m using my ip cams motion sensor to detect motion in an automation:

entity_id: binary_sensor.000_cell_motion_detection
platform: state
to: 'on'

When motion is detected it takes a snapshot from the camera:

  filename: /config/www/camera.garten_camera.jpg
service: camera.snapshot
entity_id: camera.garten_camera

and send a telegram message with the picture:

service: notify.persoon_oprit
  title: motion2
  message: motion2
      - file: /config/www/camera.garten_camera.jpg
        caption: 'motion2 {{now().strftime(''%H:%M:%S:%f %d-%m-%Y'')}}'

This works, but very random motion is detected. Leaving the house this morning had the following timing / frequency:
motion2 08:02:00:633384 18-11-2020
motion2 08:02:05:291962 18-11-2020
motion2 08:02:23:616192 18-11-2020
motion2 08:03:24:189823 18-11-2020
motion2 08:04:00:507626 18-11-2020

When i go back to snapshots taken with my camera on motion they are stored every second during the whole event.

Not sure why the automation only registers random / slow motion?

Is there a way to improve to every second?

I’m running HA on my Synology 718+ as a virtual machine btw. Maybe processing power is an issue?
