Hello, I have been using Hass for almost 1 year. And the network is growing all the time. I would like to control my heating, for this I have integrated my AVM Dect 301. This also works great. I would like to run an automation here. The heating should run daily from x to x, should the window be opened, here sit sensors, the heating should go out, or start again, in addition, I have in the room also a temperature sensor, if di temperature is reached here, the heating should also go out. How should the configuration look like?
Thank you times.
Generic thermostat I guess.
Didn’t look what this AVM thing is but generic thermostat will probably work for you.
But how must the yaml look then? I despair of that…
It’s in the documentations.
Generic Thermostat - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)
Regarding door sensors and all that, that is an automation. But we can’t help you with step 5 if you haven’t completed step 1 first.
I googled on this AVM and perhaps you don’t need the generic thermostat.
It depends on what you have now.
You have not said much on what you currently have in HA.
I am using generic thermostat with a motion sensor to monitor temperature.
- platform: generic_thermostat
name: Living room
heater: input_boolean.heating
target_sensor: sensor.living_room_motion_sensor_temperature
target_temp: 18
away_temp: 12
cold_tolerance: 0.1
When the input_boolean turns on, an automation sends an IFTTT command to turn up the “real” thermostat (Nest - I haven’t migrated my account so I can’t use the Google integration).
This is more or less how I do it also.
Ass long as you set the thermostat on the device higher than the generic thermostat target temperature then this will “disable” the internal thermostat of the device.
Good morning,
thank you very much for the answers. For the AVM Dect, there is an integration. And actually I would use the following code as a basic framework, only the editor turns red when I edit. How can I now still include the two sensors, window sensor and temperature sensor? And how do I then get the editor to save?
- alias: Heizung aus 21:30
platform: time
at: "21:30:00"
- service: climate.set_operation_mode
entity_id: climate.wohnzimmer
operation_mode: "off"
- alias: Heizung an 17 Uhr
platform: time
at: "17:00:00"
- service: climate.set_operation_mode
entity_id: climate_wohnzimmer
operation_mode: "Heat"
- service: climate.set_temperature
entity_id: climate.wohnzimmer
temperature: 22
Where are you pasting this?
In the GUI?
Under Settings, then Automations, and then in the yaml editor.
You can’t paste two automations in one GUI window at the same time.
Ok. But I can’t even save an automation. It saves the name, but the content is not saved.
Where did you get the code from?
I believe the indentations are not correct for pasting in GUI
Hello, I got this from here this page: Heizkörpersteuerung - ingos-home-assistants Webseite!
Ok… that is for pasting in the automations.yaml file.
I suggest you create a new automation in GUI and just replace the parts you have here and mind the indentation.
You should end up with something like this:
description: ""
mode: single
platform: time
at: "17:00:00"
- service: climate.set_operation_mode
entity_id: climate_wohnzimmer
operation_mode: "Heat"
- service: climate.set_temperature
entity_id: climate.wohnzimmer
temperature: 22
Hello, thank you very much. How can I install the two sensors, still? Or do I have to create extra automations for this?
What two sensors?
You mean external temp sensors?
That is where the generic thermostat comes in. look at the post from Stiltjack.