Automation Help - Not quite sure what I've done wrong

Hello everyone. I’m trying to determine what I may have done wrong with the below automation and I’m unsure where the problem lies. The automation is simple. When HA detects my Tile bluetooth tracker as Away for 5 minutes, send a Pushover notification. The automation was created using the Hassio Automation UI so the formatting may look a bit different.

I have confirmed that HA is recognizing the states correctly and I also verified the Pushover service is working properly via Services. Other than formatting, does anything in the below Automation stand out as incorrect?

Thanks in advance



  alias: Robert's Tile - Away from Home
  - entity_id: device_tracker.tile_xxxxxxxx
    for: 00:05
    from: Home
    platform: state
    to: Away
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: Robert's Tile is away
      title: Robert's Tile has been detected as away for five minutes.
    service: notify.pushover

stick an “initial_state: true” in there to keep the automation active.

I think for: should have minutes under it…
minutes: 5

Minutes should be in two spaces from the for … I’m on my phone so preformatted text isn’t working

Thanks for the feedback. I see where the documentation calls for this setting and I find it peculiar that none of my active automations actually leverage this setting. I suspect this may be one of those differences between automations created with the Hassio Automation UI and manually created automations.

It’s a new thingie in 0.84.x

Thanks for the reply. This, too, is likely a difference between automations created with the Hassio Automation UI and manually created automations. The Hassio Automation UI specifically dictates the use of HH:MM format for time. Any deviation from this format will result in an error detailing the proper format.

Yes it’s possible… I starting always adding that for: line manually because it never worked from the UI…

Ah, that explains the difference. I’m still running 0.82.1.

Use the state of not_home instead of away

I’m mobile so formatting is off but you don’t even need to say from home to away. Just
to: not_home

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And make sure the state matches what you see in your /dev-state exactly, including home vs. Home and not_home vs. Not_Home

Thanks everyone for your feedback. Looks like I was indeed using the wrong status. Switching form Away to not_home did the trick.

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