Automation issue - Home Alarm

I’ve got some scripts that I call from my Google Assistant. Are there any tips for making friendly names? If I use something like “arm_home_away”, Google says “arm underscore home underscore away”.

Um… by using customize to set a friendly name? Or even in Google Assistant you can define an alias.

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Friendly Name is not an option under customize for the script. And I don’t see a place in Google Assistant for specifying an alias.

I don’t use scripts myself but it is here in the docs for customize…

would you not just use in customize.yaml:

  friendly_name: Arm Home Away


In Google Assistant -> Home Control -> scenes (probably) tap on it and set a nickname.

OR use a routine and you can call it whatever you want.

OR see the example for setting a friendly name down the bottom of the Google Assistant docs here:

or here if you use GA with HA Cloud