Automation LED color drop down list, please

Why is there still no simple drop down option to set the. Colour of lights within an automation, there is for brightness, there should be at least a few brop down box easybasic colours ie, red, blue, green, ets, Home assistant is trying to become more user friendly so these should be added please, then can go more advanced if required.

I performed the following test with version 2025.1.4.

  • When I select a light capable of displaying color, the light.turn_on action shows options related to color, like RGB Color and Color Temperature.

  • When I select a light that is not capable of displaying color, the light.turn_on action doesn’t show options related to color.

  • When I select a mix of lights, some capable of displaying color and others not, the light.turn_on action shows options related to color.

The light.turn_on action does support an option called color_name. Its value can be any of the dozens of CSS3 color names.

If you want color_name to be displayed in the Automation Editor’s UI for light.turn_on, I suggest you post a Feature Request in Home Assistant’s Github Frontend repository. That’s where the Frontend development team reviews suggestions.


Here’s this, more complicated than you were looking for, but I have this available…
It’s available in GitHub or thru HACS.
Not exactly what you are asking for but maybe it will help for now.

There is about a hundred color names available, which would be kinda much in a drop down list anyway.