When creating an automation (using the web UI, not directly in YAML), the pop-up which occurs when entering the syntax improperly is only visible for about three seconds and then disappears. Would prefer it to be visible longer, or only go away when the user clicks a button on the message to dismiss it.
Also, should be solving the problem to begin with by having built-in data validation for that field. Heck, while we’re at it, how about for all fields? If I enter something “wrong,” the field should either reformat it automatically or provide help with the process. As it stands, the time offset field for a trigger in automation has no helper, no link to a help file on that specific topic, no hover tag, and even the pop-up error message is not clear as to what is expected. In fact, when I generated the error, it was due to me entering quotes around the offset like this:
Without the quotes, there are no quotes in the YAML, and all help information on offsets (which seem to only show how to do this in YAML) shows the offset with quotes around it, so my best guess was that I had to add quotes in the automation input field.
Oddly, entering a value such as -70 in the offset input box is accepted, though I don’t know how HA interprets that. Would be better if after the focus changes from that field that data validation and auto-formatting take place to put it in the desired format, allowing the user to see it right away. This is similar to how many interfaces auto-format things such as a phone number.