Automation question - converting

do you guys have any suggestion on the fastest way to convert my automation to the new version???

Yes. Start by providing more (any) details. Convert from what? to new version of what? what automation? Platform? Component? Literally any piece of information would lead to a much faster way.

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the old way of automation… which is without the “id”. the old way cannot be edited

the new way is using “ID” and it can be edit through frontend…

so now i wanted to convert to the new version but i have a lot… and i was wondering if there is a faster way

I don’t think so. You’ll have to edit your automations by hand.

thank you… alright ill do it some other days…

If you already write your automations manually (which I assume you do because you said you have a lot of them) then there really isn’t much benefit converting them to be able to be edited by the frontend configurator.

There are downsides tho. because of the way the configurator formats the resulting automation if you mess something up and it doesn’t work it makes it harder to suss out the problem if you need to go and look at the automation in another editor.

but if you really want to all you have to do is add “id:” followed by a unique name to the existing automations that you have. It should then show up in the automation editor. But again i’m not sure I see the point since you already have working automations (i assume). :thinking:

yes and no. Adding id: will make them show up in the frontend automation editor, but when you open them in the frontend editor they are blank. I have some theories, but really have no idea why. I have over 40 automations, of which only 2 were created from the frontend. The rest were manually created and manually assigned an id. Although they all show up in the list on the frontend, only the 2 I created from the frontend are actually editable from the frontend.

EDIT: my theories are either the id manually assigned doesn’t get picked up in a registry/database somewhere, or if the automations are in a separate file/folder not in the root configuration folder it can’t read them for some reason. So maybe this is unique to my setup

I started adding the id: key to mine since the beginning when I thought I had to even though i’ve never used the automation editor. all of them I’ve created manually are editable in the editor. But my config files are in the base config directory (but in a separate yaml file) so I’m not sure what all the requirements are for them to be “seen” by the editor.

Ah, i bet it has to do with being in a subfolder and not the root config folder. All of mine are in a subfolder and some separated out into different yaml files for grouping and organization. I bet that’s why mine show up in a list but I can’t actually edit them. The 2 I created with the editor are in an auto generated yaml file in the root.

finally finished my conversion finally i don’t that error ID already exist… i know i didn’t have to switch to the next automation form but just wanted to clean up my files and eliminate some errors… anyway thank you guys for you input