Automation state trigger: using a tempate for "from" & "to"

A small example:

    platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.t_rex
    from: "{{....}}"
    to: "{{....}}"

I wonder if it is possible to use templates for the "from" or "to" sections?
Based on my current experience - answer is “NO”.
But it would be nice to use templates here - for blueprints basically.

What is the use case?
You could remove from and to that will make it trigger on anything then perhaps use condition template?
Another option would be to use Node red where you can control that inside the sequence.

You cannot use it with “for” condition.

You can still use for without from and to. It will then only trigger when the entity changed state to a new state for the time you specified.

    platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.t_rex
      minutes: 4
    - "{{ trigger.to_state.state == xy and trigger.from_state.state == ab }}"

I really missed this opportunity.
For me it may be a solution.