First of all, i have searched the forum for hours but can’t find a solution for this. Maybe my search-skills are bad, but i give this thread a try…
I am trying to build an alarm clock in Home Assistant, that will trigger my google home with an alarm sound. But, i wan’t to set it manually with different times every day - and make the automation trigger at the time i set it.
My setup so far is this;
I created an input_datetime.time so i can set a specifyed time “HH:MM” from my dashboard, works fine.
I created the sensor.time sensor in HA to get local time to have something to compare it to.
I am trying to use this template as a trigger, but it won’t work.
What i am doing wrong?
Yeah i noticed it to, the problem was i was editing the template in the dashboard and not as yaml, so that’s why it got double “value_template”…
But it still dosen’t work
But i just realised that the time from input_datetime.tid gives me “05:30:00” and the time from sensor.time gives me “05:30”, could that be why it isn’t working…?
Thanks for the reply!
I tried to convert it to show HH:MM instead of HH:MM:SS, but that didn’t make a difference… something else is wrong