I use weather info in my garden irrigation package and I’d like to be able to change the weather data provider on the fly.
I am well able to write everything in the package to adjust itself based on which from a variety of sensors has been selected through the package’s Lovelace UI…
…except for automations that need to be triggered on a state change of that sensor.
- platform: state
- sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature_0d
What I’d like to achieve is something like this which obviously won’t work, but is there a technique someone knows that can achieve this?
- platform: state
- {{ states('input_text.weather_provider') }}
The state of input_text.weather_provider would, to match the original example above be, ‘sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature_0d’.
I’m well aware the answer is likely to be ‘no’, but it is usually worth asking!
Seems like you could just list all the weather providers under the entity_id: of the state trigger and then in a following condition you could add a template selector. Something like
- platform: state
- sensor.weather_1
- sensor.weather_2
condition: template
value_template: " {{ trigger.entity_id == states('input_text.selected_weather') }}"
do something here
The input_text would hold the various weather providers configured which you could select from the ui.
What if I don’t know what the weather providers are ahead of time? What if I want to allow users to choose their own? This isn’t hypothetical; there are a couple of people using my package and not all have darksky which I use and have hardcoded at the moment so I’d like to make it as flexible as possible, allowing them to choose whatever provider is best for them.
So not multiple weather services but a configurable weather service. Seems like you would want to localize the weather providers to perhaps a set of templates sensors and then use the template sensors in the automations instead of using the weather provider directly. Sorry that’s all I got.
My actual use case is more complex than the general case I asked about and intuitively this seems quite inefficient although thinking about it I don’t think it is as it is probably only doing what the ‘native’ state trigger was doing.
But I’m posting my full solution just in case anyone sees a better way to do it.
- platform: event
event_type: state_changed
condition: or
- condition: template
value_template: >
trigger.event.data.entity_id == 'input_boolean.irrigation_use_forecast_high_temp' or
trigger.event.data.entity_id == 'input_number.irrigation_days_of_temp_history_used' or
trigger.event.data.entity_id == 'input_number.irrigation_temperature_baseline' or
trigger.event.data.entity_id == 'input_number.irrigation_actual_high_temp_0' or
trigger.event.data.entity_id == 'input_number.irrigation_high_temp_1' or
trigger.event.data.entity_id == 'input_number.irrigation_high_temp_2' or
trigger.event.data.entity_id == 'input_number.irrigation_high_temp_3' or
trigger.event.data.entity_id == 'input_number.irrigation_high_temp_4' or
trigger.event.data.entity_id == states('input_text.irrigation_sensor_weather_forecast_high_temp')
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.irrigation_cycle1_adjust_for_temperature
state: 'on'
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.irrigation_cycle2_adjust_for_temperature
state: 'on'