I have run into a problem and breaking my head last 24 hours, unable to figure out the right syntax to get it working. The validation part goes through but I get run time error.
your field name is wrong at the value_template line. Also, you can optimize your code a bit:
Nothing major, your code works but you don’t need to split the entity_id to get the object_id when you have a state object (to_state, from_state).
You don’t need to add strings together for some of these. They can be pulled out of the template.
The value_template field needs to be changed to ‘value’. You already indicate that the whole data section is a template section via the ‘data_template’ field.
You need an > to indicate a multiline template inside the value field.
You had quotes around your output template ‘{{float (states.input_number.auto_off_timer.state) }}’. You don’t need quotes here. You’re already templating. You just need the template output indicators {{}}.
You should use the states() method over the the state object when you can. i.e. states(entity_id) vrs states.domain.object_id.state.
You should use filters over functions when you can. Not really a big one here, but some have more functionality. Filters are indicated by the pipe symbol. Take a look at Jinja filters to find out more information.
You don’t need quotes around your else statements return. Everything that is not inside a template is treated as a string.
With all those changes, this should work:
### SET Input Boolean Status and Timer
- alias: Set Status and Timer 1
- platform: state
- input_boolean.hall_tv
- input_boolean.home_theater
- input_boolean.dinnig_hall
- input_boolean.dining_radio
- service_template: script.turn_on
entity_id: 'script.{{ trigger.to_state.object_id }}_{{ trigger.to_state.state }}'
- service_template: 'input_boolean.turn_{{ trigger.to_state.state }}'
entity_id: 'input_boolean.{{ trigger.to_state.object_id }}_status'
- service: input_number.set_value
entity_id: 'input_number.{{ trigger.to_state.object_id }}_timer'
value: >
{% if trigger.to_state.state == 'on' %}
{{ states('input_number.auto_off_timer') | float }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
[SOLVED] That worked well. Don’t know how to thank you for pointing out the syntax errors, which helps me learn a lot and looks like there is a long way to go for me to learn it as good as you have guided. Thanks a million.
Could you help me also by pointing out where I can pick up the best way to code these scripts. Some online tutorials…?
Yaml is the format of the file. Jinja is all the templating. I don’t think there is any jinja tutorials. You can always play around in the template editor. Also, the documents for templating will help alot.