Hi Everyone,
I’ve been struggling to make this work based on other topics but nothing seems to work.
I have multiple sensors that send mqtt messages with a payload 1 (on) and 0 (off).
I’d like to trigger an MQTT publish when my two sensors have the payload 1.
Basically this is what I tried but I really don’t think that it works like that
- alias: 'Multiple'
- platform: mqtt
topic: "control_room/satellite/status"
- platform: mqtt
topic: "control_room/connectors/status"
condition: and
- condition: payload
entity_id: sensor.satellite
payload: 1
- condition: payload
entity_id: sensor.cables
payload: 1
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: "Multiple/status"
payload: "Hello"
retain: false
Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks