Automations and graphs extremely slow

Since a few weeks I noticed that parts of my Home Assistant system has become extremely slow. Simple automations like “Button on Shellly pressed → turn light on” take between 2 and almost 10 seconds from pressing the button to turning on the lights. Before, it used to be virtually instant. Also, graphs need much longer to load.

I have checked other similar topics but found none that matches my problem.

What I have done so far:

  • checked the logs → nothing exciting
  • installed Glances and System Monitor → nothing exciting, see image
  • doubled the resources in Proxmox for my Home Assistant VM → no difference
  • cleand up my database → now down to 2,2GB → no difference
  • checked the traces for some automations: The recorded times for running the automations are always super fast (< 0.2s)
  • spun up another Home Assistant instance on the same Proxmox Host and tested some automations on it → automations run with no significant delay.

What else could I do to find the culprit for the delays?

Thank you!

Is this the right place to ask or did I pick the wrong category?