Given the current state of the world, many of us are now working from home or otherwise staying home. How about we all share our automations and other Home Assistant fun we’ve done geared towards telecommuting and working from home?
I have a recurring 5min timer to remind me to have a beer since my boss can’t see me / smell my breath / hear me talk
I use a tool called ‘Wiggle mouse’ that moves the mouse a bit every 5 minutes, so our CTI software shows me active.
Both brilliant, except as an employer I must frown…
I got the anniversaries integration to remind me of upcoming deadlines.
One option is to trigger an Alexa or Google Home voice alert to make some posture correction exercises, every 20 or 30 minutes.
Another, is a bell remembering you about your labor schedule, in and out, lunch, resting pauses, etc.
I also work in home office, I’m sysadmin and managing 100+ websites. I have made and script what will check proxy server status and notify me if they are down.
- alias: 'Notfy if proxy server offline'
- platform: state
entity_id: 'binary_sensor.a_proxy_master,binary_sensor.a_proxy_nginx,binary_sensor.proxy_apache2,binary_sensor.proxy_dmz'
from: 'on'
to: 'off'
- service: notify.mobile_app_my_android
title: "Work"
message: Warning, One of the the master proxy servers is down
- service: notify.alexa_media_livingroom
type: tts
message: 'Warning, One of the the master proxy servers is down'
Im using uptimerobot for this.