my first post overhere, running HA on a VM with supervisor etc. All my automation are off sync, which means they are hours to late. Its for all of them, enabling the Sonos speaker (power plug) is hours to late but also the notification for the garbage.
It has worked for several years without an issue, is there any way you are able to help me troubleshoot this?
For example the screenshot below, notice the time stamps…
Reinstalled my VM and restored a snapshot. Situation is the same, first automation fires 1,5 minute to late. When running a debug automation few hours later its already 3 minutes drifted off.
If you don’t mind, may I ask how did you correct the ESX NTP? A few users here also experience the same error. Maybe by explaining here how you solve it will help others facing the same issue.
After explaining your solution, please mark your own answer as the SOLUTION.