Automations keep being turned off for a little while

Hi there

I’ve been reading through all similar discussions but could not find anything related to what I’m experiencing. I’ve noticed that with a particular automation which uses a delay, but I’ve then seen all the automations show the same behavior. Apparently randomly, they are turned off and back on rapidly. This is not really an issue for most of them, but for the ones which use a delay, this is causing the action not being triggered as I think the delay is reset.
I’ve seen in other discussions the cause might be a random restart of HA, but I verified it’s not the case as I was playing with it and HA was not rebooted. Could you suggest a way to troubleshoot this or at least where to look at to check what’s going on? This is very frustrating as the automations are not working reliably (left a switch turned on all night long for example :().

This also happens when you reload automations. Did you reload the automations at the point where they are turned off and on again.

Yes - but just once. Also, the event that occurred last night that made me started to worry about it for sure it wasn’t due to an automation reload as I was sleeping at that time :smiley:

Do you have automations that enable/disable other automations?

Yes I do, but not that specific one…