Automation's Not Running

I am not sure what is going on, nor where to start really, but none of my automations are working any longer. My sunset/sunrise, automatic lighting triggered by door/window sensors, etc.

Everything was working fine until I upgraded to 0.49.0. I started getting the error from my Amcrest Camera “is not json serializable”. I don’t know the two are related, may just be coincidence, but my automations stopped working after the upgrade. Something happened in the upgrade process that changed my zwcfg_* file and many of my devices were no longer showing up. Fortunately, I had backups of that and I was able to see all my devices again after restoring that file from the backup. However, my automations still did not work. I am baffled how an upgrade process could mess up the zwcfg file, but it’s not the first time I have seen that either.

I downgraded to 48.1 but my automations are still not working. Everything seems normal, but I am not sure where to start and what to look for. None of my automations have change, I have not added, changed or removed any at all.

Anyone have any ideas?

For what it is worth, the door/window sensors are triggering when opened/closed, but the automations do not run.

If you post your automations, (see the big blue box at the top for how to format it, since you have to use the preformatted option), and details on what your devices are somebody will probably be able to help.

Are the sensors z-wave? If so, did you update the configuration with their new entity names?

No. When I updated to 0.48.0 I believe it was I opted out using the new_entity_ids: false option.

@Tinkerer, it’s not the automation themselves. Those have not changed in months if not more. It had something to do with the update, they were all working until that point.

So post your automations, and your configuration. Then somebody can help you. At the moment nobody’s got enough information to help you.

Well, how about some system related areas I can check? If it were not the automations themselves, what would one check next? If one automation quit working and all the others worked, then I would agree with you that the automation itself needs to be looked at. However, all of them quitting, coincidently with a software upgrade, does not point the finger at the automation code.

I am not trying to be argumentive, but something changed with the upgrade. And if an upgrade somehow manages to modify/corrupt my zwcfg_* file I am not going to suspect my automations as the cause of that. There are other things that can be checked. But, which is why I posted in the first place, I don’t have the intimate knowledge of the system to know what those things are.

My guess is that the automations have all switched off.

Seems to randomly happen during upgrades. Happened to me a few versions ago and caused me some massive head scratching before I figured it out, but not before or since, and happened to another user I was helping in a thread on here who upgraded to 0.49.

Seems totally random, no rhyme or reason, but that’s the obvious conclusion in this case in the absence of any other information.

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Is there a way I can switch them back on then?

Yes, enable the default view (ie disable any overridden default view you have), scroll to the automations card, select switch them on, re-enable your customised default view.


@anon43302295 BINGO!!! Nailed It!

Automations are working again. Every single one of them was off. Though I did find an easier way, I think. Go to the States page under developer options. Click on the automation in the list and set it’s state to ‘on’. I saw that before but did not put it together that that meant the automation was, in fact, turned off. I just thought it meant it was not running at that particular time or something. So I learned something new.

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Glad you got sorted :thumbsup:

Weird. Randomly started happening to me too. Thanks for the troubleshooting tips. @anon43302295 @StormStrikes

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this was happening to me as well and I fixed it by adding " initial_state: ‘on’ " to my automations

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My guess is that the automations have all switched off.

…enable the default view (ie disable any overridden default view you have), scroll to the automations card, switch them on…

Thanks so much for posting that solution! Even though the thread is a little old, if someone else ends up here after upgrading to a more recent version, like I did, this still might be your problem. My automations stopped working after upgrading to 0.60, and they’d simply been switched off.