I’ve been doing a lot around the house automating switches, outlets, motions sensors, etc but I haven’t done much if anything with an AV automations. To tell the truth, outside of the TV’s we don’t really have much in the way of AV equipment. So my question is this:
What types of AV equipment do you find useful around the house (I know very broad question)?
Which types integrate best with HA? I see there are a good number of components out there, but most seem like they don’t do anything except turn the device on and off.
Currently we have DirecTv on all the TV’s. No stereo, not really big in to music as a family unless we are in the car. Internet is slow (6-12Mb I know, it sucks) so streaming is borderline. What would you suggest as the next steps?
The question is just as much about what types of AV equipment people have and find use in as it is about automating it. And in this case, I’m wanting to gain experience with the AV side of automation so doing it for the sake of automation is kind of what it’s all about right now… But in general I know what you mean and agree.
I have a Kodi box and Chromecast. Previously just had the Kodi playback state controlling the living room lights (config). Currently trying to integrate the Chromecast into this using the Universal Media Player, but still tweaking things.
I’m interested in Mopidy+Snapcast in future for multi-room audio.