Available RGBW led controller, which works without problems

I have RGBW led strip and I want to automate it using HA. I’ve found supported devices list:

Most of the controllers are unavailable or have terrible reviews.

I’ve managed to buy MiBoxer FUT038Z:
but actually FUT037Z+ was shipped and seller said that 38Z isn’t available, but 37Z+ is almost the same. It is however 3in1, I’ve managed to run it and pair using ZIGBEE2MQTT, but no matter mode I set, it is detected as RGB+CCT. I cannot find a way to override it and as you can image colors can be incorrect because of it.

I’ve then tried Gledopto:
but the description in the shop was misleading (my bad) and I thought it is universal, but it is only RGB+CCT so I had to return it. Plus it has very bad system to install cables securly. So I don’t want Gledopto.

Finally I’ve got WZ5:

Which is somewhat working, I can change colors, but when I change brightness, color goes to white :open_mouth:
Plus, there’s annoying issue: whenever leds start up via automation (I’ve made scenes for that) it always starts from the last color and then changes to the right one. It also was happening using MiBoxer.

So, do you have solution for these issues, or can suggest some good alternative, which WORKS and is widely available? (I’m from Europe).

Btw. my use case is to put the leds below the stairs and light them up when someone walks (using motion sensor) and the color/brightness will differ on the time (slight red in night, bright white in the day for example).

Best regards

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