AWTRIX 3 - Blueprint for creating simple apps for dummies

cuz you have not installed the custom component
fin :slight_smile:

Ok, witch chatgtp, but good working for me, widn speed with dots speed indicator:

alias: Wiatr awtrix
description: "Wyświetla prędkość wiatru z wizualizacją kropek i dynamicznymi kolorami."
  path: 10der/awtrix-simple.yaml
    app_name: wind
    app_icon: "2298"
    entity: sensor._wind_speed
    suffix_text: "km/h"
      - 19cbf077b9e432e8df6c9464b29e9fa4
      duration: 5
      draw: >
          {% set wind_speed = states('sensor._wind_speed') | float %}
          {% set max_dots = 40 %}
          {% set dots = (wind_speed / 2) | round(0, 'floor') | int %}
          {% set color = (
            "#00ff7f" if wind_speed <= 5 else
            "#7fff00" if wind_speed <= 15 else
            "#ffd400" if wind_speed <= 30 else
            "#ff7f00" if wind_speed <= 50 else
            "#ff0000" if wind_speed <= 70 else
          ) %}
          {% for i in range(dots if dots <= max_dots else max_dots) %}
            {"dp": [{{8 + i}}, 7, "{{color}}"]}
            {%- if i+1 != dots and i+1 != max_dots %},{% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
      text: >
        {{ states('sensor._wind_speed') | float | round(0) }} km/h

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Every time I try to use the outdoor temp sample it never shows up on my awtrix clock. I made sure the temperature entity is pulling from my sensor and I choose my awtrix device. What am I doing wrong?

I had to user a fork of the blueprint. Services is now Actions

I don’t have a crystal ball

ok. good luck

Many thanks for your great work!

I have integrated your repo via HASC and also receive regular updates. Unfortunately, it is difficult for me to see exactly what has changed. Would it be possible for you to list the changes somewhere? I would also like to see a history.

Please keep up the good work!

Thank you - please keep up the good work!