I know the unit can be controlled via the Google API, but it would be good if we could get some entity info, for close/open state etc, or triggers when a remote is used.
I’m new to HA, but am a developer, so if there’s nothing around I’ve be willing to give it a try to get something set up, but I have no idea where to start. So if anyone can give me an idea, let me know. Alternatively, if there is already a working integration I’ve missed, please forward me the link.
I have contacted ATA, and a B&D rep called me back (they both sell branded versions of the same motor), and said they do not give away any API details, but that may be coming in a future iteration, or software update.
I tried giving Wireshark a go to attempt to capture communications between my phone and unit, but wasn’t able to get much due to encryption.
I have tried to have a play with this myself but haven’t had any success either.
When I get some spare time I plan to take a look at the smart transceiver that plugs into the door main pcb to see if I can emulate it similar to what they’ve done with rat gdo.