I’m getting close to having a mostly stable HA install. Still tinkering and adding a few automations, etc. But at this point starting over would really suck. I keep reading how easy it is to backup/resotre HA, but want to verify what I believe I understand as well as ask if there are any gotchas I’ve missed.
I have zwave and ZigBee devices (Linear HUSBZB-1 stick)
I’m running Home Assistant on Ubuntu 17.10 server. I’m running in a python VM.
If I backup everything under /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant and do a fresh install on a new computer (thinking about getting a NUC vs the larger computer I have now) with the same OS and python VM, I just have to restore my /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant files and everything will work? No need to do anything else?
I also have a couple Ecobees, I had to get an api key and authorize the app with a pin.
All the zwave and ZigBee devices are tied to the USB stick, right?
I guess I’m just wanting to see how much follow up work would be required if I moved to a new PC, or had a system crash but had backup files.