Backup is currently blocked, because of issues to connect to the influxDB

Hi everyone,

since ~4 years my data is stored in an InfluxDB and then shown in Grafana. Everything works nicely, so I can even see data from today in the Grafana dashboards.

But since Saturday, nobody touched the system, I’m getting the following error and cannot create any backup anymore:

Logger: homeassistant.components.influxdb
Source: components/influxdb/
Integration: InfluxDB

Cannot connect to InfluxDB due to ‘{“error”:“timeout”}’. Please check that the provided connection details (host, port, etc.) are correct and that your InfluxDB server is running and accessible.

But as I said, the DB is running nicely and I can browse through the data.

Any ideas what I can check? Did something changed in the way backups are done?


You did not read the January release notes?
I think there might also be an update again in the February release, which should be due in a few days.

The answer is not really helping me. I did not ask about the way that backups are scheduled or started. I’m more interested in the way they are actually done. Do I have to additionally change some configuration or something?
Even if I start this manually, I get this error.

btw: the update to 2025.01 was done weeks ago, and since then, a couple of backups have been done successfully. So I have no clue what might have changed.

It was not only scheduling that changed with the last update. It was the actual way it was done too.
There have been many issues with it and if you look at 2025.2 Beta: Iterating on backups - Home Assistant you can now see the first preview of the release note for the next release, due in 2 days.
I am not saying this will for sure solve it, but it might.
In the mean time try to look at the logs for the InfluxDB addon.

I don’t think an integration erroring out would prevent the ability to take backups, but tbh I didn’t update to 2025.1
What are the actual symptoms of “cannot create backup”?

I have scheduled to create a full backup of the system each Monday after midnight and this worked nicely until this morning. Today I had a notification in the lower left corner, telling that the automatic backup could not have been created.
The log revealed the entry I have posted in the first message.

Then I’ve restarted the system and tried to create another backup manually. But this did also not work and the error message was the same.

The rest of the system is working nicely and the dashboards are populated with current data.

I’m currently running the latest versions of all components:

  • Core2025.1.4
  • Supervisor2024.12.3
  • Operating System14.2
  • Frontend20250109.2

So I guess either it came with e.g. 2025.1.4 and maybe I have to revert this update or wait for the next one, or something else is causing this. But in this case, I don’t know, why values can be written into the influxDB and also read from there, while the backup process is complaining about a timeout.

The message comes from the HA log, but messages regarding backups should be in the Supervisor log.
You don’t see anything there?

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Thanks a lot for this hint. It seems to be an IO error:

2025-02-03 08:59:16.902 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.module] Can’t backup Home Assistant Core config folder: [Errno 5] I/O error

There is still plenty of space available, so it might be a hardware defect. At least I have something I can look further into.