Backup size drop

I have noticed that since 10th January my daily full backups have over halved in size. I upgraded to the latest 2021.12 release but I’ve made very few changes other than that.

Just slightly concerned at some a large drop (every backup since is the new size range). Has anyone else seen anything similar or have any ideas?

Wasn’t sure if there was some optimisations in 2021.12 or some cache cleared somewhere or something like that?


My backups have remained the same size. Perhaps your data base became corrupt and was reformed?

The backups are just compressed files you can open them with 7zip or similar to compare their contents.

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Found out what it was for me, when I looked at the backup contents it was immediately obvious. It was the AdGuard tar file, when I installed the recent update to this it must have done some sort of cleanup, it’s tar was previously a couple of hundred mb, now barely anything.