I am building an ESP32-based weather station, powered by a solar panel which charges an 18650 battery. To keep the unit running, I am trying to implement deep sleep to only publish data every 10 minutes or so.
I’ve got deep sleep working, but my only issue is that when the unit wakes of from deep sleep, the sensor data is skewed during every other reading - that is, it seems that deep sleep throws off the temperature sensor data. I am not sure how this is happening. I am using a BME280 for temperature, pressure, and humidity monitoring.
Here is the deep sleep unit temperature readings over a 12-hour period:
That makes sense. I could try isolating the sensor from the unit with a length of wire, but I have noticed I have the same issue with the voltage readings as well. I suppose this could also be a result of power on voltage changes.
Is there any way to average sensor readings over several deep sleep cycles?