I’m new to HA and am trying my first automation, which is trying to control the solar heating for my pool. I have a sensor in my pool to measure its temperature and one on my roof to test its temperature. I have it so the pool heating pump turns on when the roof temperature is greater than or equal to the pool temperature and turns off when it is below. I am also trying to have it turned off if it reaches a preset condition. I have tried doing this by adding an OR condition, but it does not seem to fire. Can anyone advise as to where I’m going wrong?
alias: Turn off Pool Heating
description: ""
- trigger: numeric_state
- sensor.gw2000c_temperature_1
above: sensor.gw2000c_soil_temperature_1
- condition: or
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.gw2000c_temperature_1
above: 31
enabled: true
- type: turn_off
device_id: 2ab2c5c38e9fef64c1ae3f484e65a93c
entity_id: a175ed1d2e99b22ddc0285ef6ad11957
domain: switch
mode: single
Thanks in advance.