Hello Ashley,
welcome here! Two pieces of information are needed:
Do you have access to your configuration.yaml file?
What mode are you using? The standard interface or yaml mode?
Invalid config for [frontend]: string value is None for dictionary value @ data[‘frontend’][‘themes’][‘ios-dark-mode-dark-blue’][‘resources’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 13).
Your configuration.yaml is correct; the failure message references to a ressources error. Sometimes it helps to clear the browser cache. Alas, sometimes the HACS installation fails. Have you checked the theme folder?
This is my attempt at a code for a lamp switch. Please be aware I learnt everything about Yaml code online in the last few weeks. I didn’t know anything about it before then:man_shrugging:t2:
Color of the icon/card. auto sets the color based on the color of a light including the temperature of the light. Setting this to auto-no-temperature will behave like home-assistant’s default, ignoring the temperature of the light. By default, if the entity state is off , the color will be var(--paper-item-icon-color) , for on it will be var(--paper-item-icon-active-color) and for any other state it will be var(--primary-text-color) . You can redefine each colors using state
I could use some help trying to get this up and going. I’ve added to the Config .yaml file and rebooted and am greeted with "Setup failed for themes Integration not found as well as Failed to load integration for translation: Integration ‘themes’ not found.