Bathroom Fan & Humidity Sensor


I’m looking to turn on my bathroom exhaust fan with the following criteria. Would anyone be so kind as to help please?

  1. Humidity rises by a certain percent within a short space of time - turn on fan for 45 mins.

  2. If someone turns off the fan manually and the humidity is still high, I want the fan to turn back on until the 45 mins has elapsed.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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Have a look at the trend sensor.

Did you get any granular instructions on this?
Looking to do the same.
Would love to know.

I was thinking about setting up something similar. But I was going to do it like this -
Turn on the fan when the humidity rises above X percent - Because I don’t really care how long it took to get there. And then turn off the fan when the humidity falls below X percent.

This would probably be an easier automation to create. And is there something important about that 45 minute number? I would think you’d be more interested in running the fan until the humidity is low, regardless of how long or short of a period of time that takes.

What humidity sensor are you using? I have not purchased one yet, but am looking at Aqara.