I’ve searched and haven’t found an answer to this, although I may not have been using the correct terms to get a result.
Anyways, I have a GoControl WA00Z-1 battery zwave button - https://www.gocontrol.com/detail.php?productId=12
I want to use it to control the smart bulbs in my kitchen. I’ve got the button included into my zwave network. I’ve associated zwave to zwave devices in the past, but I’ve never even thought about zwave device - to a different protocol.
Ideally I’d like the top button to turn on my kitchen light group, group.kitchen_lights, the bottom button to turn them off and possibly dimming if it’s not to much of a pain.
I do not see a way from the zwave manager to do this.
Is this something I’d need to do via automation? Coming from the switch, how would I differentiate between the top and bottom button presses?
I’ve searched and couldn’t find anything related to what I’m looking for. If someone has a resource the could share, that’d be hugely helpful.