BeoLink (Bang & Olufsen)

Looks quiet now, thanks!

Looks like the issues with the Avant have been resolved. Nice :slight_smile: and many many thanks!

One question about the support for the Avant: is it also possible to select the Speaker Group? As I combine the Avant with BeoLab 20’s via Wisa (living and dining area at the same floor), I would like to be able with some buttons in HA to select Speaker Group A or Group B or both (which is group C). Is there also a wake up command as soon as the Avant went into sleep mode? Because then the power on button at the front end of the media_player basically has disappeared.

Do you have any suggestions for a general media player which has buttons for multiroom etc to integrate the B&O media_players nicely? I guess the mini media player (HACS) doesn’t support speaker groups of my B&O media_players. Did somebody already test if the B&O media_player integrates into Music Assistant (HACS)?

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All good questions!
When the TV goes in power save mode, it don’t think it responds to commands, so it’s not OK to show a power button if that does nothing.

Regarding speaker groups, the API supports it, but I haven’t exposed it in HA as a service or action. It will require adding the support in pybeoplay and beoplay, and I don’t have time right now, but it should be pretty easy if you want to give it a try.

I don’t know of any HA plugins with a speaker group UI but I guess you may be able to wire things up with ‘button’ controls.

Thank you so much for this excellent work and sharing the Nodered flow!!! I had one question, maybe you can help, have you been able to send a notification to the halo ? I tried to send this message as mentioned in the API docs but no notification is showing:

    "update": {
        "type": "notification",
        "id": "0ae6dada-a41b-11ed-a8fc-0242ac120002",
        "title": "Playing..."

There you go :slight_smile:

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Thanks, that works great!

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Multiroom with other product

I know this will probably hurt some but there is a start to everything - the whole house cannot be all B&O at first :slight_smile:

Is it possible to do multiroom audio with other devices ? Play spotify on everything using the media_player.*join*

Going out on a limb here, I’m planing to get an Beosound Emerge and integrate it with some outside speakers running on arylic platform.


The bangolufsen.beolink_join is using Bang & Olufsens own multiroom solution. To use multiroom with other manufacturers, use Chromecast or Airplay 2 :slight_smile:

Thanks - that’s what I thought.

Hey Giovanni,

Am I the only one who cannot get next and previous to work from the Lovelace frontend? Tried with B&O Radio, Spotify and Deezer without success.

Thanks :slight_smile:

EDIT: In pybeoplay, Next and Previous should refer to /BeoZone/Zone/Stream/Forward and /Backward instead of List/StepUp and Down to work with the never software. Honestly, I dont know if that breaks something on the older products?

That’s interesting. I changed that because on my setup next and prev didn’t make channels go up and down on Radio or other devices.

I thought Forward and Backward were meant for FFWD and REV scanning of the media.

There may be some difference with newer devices.
Wondering if others are having issues.

That would be ‘Stream/Wind’ and ‘Stream/Rewind’

Hi there, just a heads up, I added remote support, in addition to media_player, for the BeoPlay integration, so you should be able to send whatever commands you wish to the devices. See the documentation on how to use it.

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A feature request: Any chance you could add the Expand functionality as a service call?

Described here: BeoNetRemote Client API

will add to the backlog

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Link to blueprint:

This is awesome, this could be the excuse I’ve needed to get a beoremote one.

By any chance do you know if the remote works with an LG OLED (or any other non B&O) tv? I know B&O is using LG panels in their TVs but the salesperson in my local B&O store was a little vague on compatibility and there’s not much info online.


Hi @dano1 ,

Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately you cannot connect a Beoremote 1 directly to a LG tv. You will need some kind of speaker from Bang & Olufsen. The integration I am using for this currently works with:
Beolab 28
Beosound 2 3rd Gen
Beosound A5
Beosound A9 5th Gen
Beosound Balance
Beosound Emerge
Beosound Level
Beosound Theatre (which you can connect to LG OLED screens and thereby control with Beoremote 1 BT)

I’ve created a second blueprint for roller shades (that supports the service calls: cover.set_cover_position, cover.close_cover, cover.open_cover og cover.stop_cover).

How it works:
List → Control +
Arrow up : Open shade
Arrow down : Close shade
Center button : Stop shade
Digit 0 : 0% open
Digit 1 : 11% open
Digit 2 : 22% open

Digit 8 : 88% open
Digit 9 : 100% open

Link to Blueprint: Link to Blueprints: Start import – My Home Assistant