Best solution to install HA

I’ve a Qnap nas with celeron cpu and a Lenovo nuc . now I’m trying HA on a virtual image installed in the QNAP nas.
What do you think the best solution to ave performance and wide compatibility ? I prefer to have the easiest way to install and configure

VM is only option for supervised HA(addons)

Else i prefer docker install of HA Core (not supervised so no addons) . Docker is most flexible and use less resources compared to VM.

I - HA newbie since 4 months - installed the Supervisor HA on my SynologY NAS in VMM (ova), just because my NAS is allways ON. So no extra (euros) device needed.

I haven’t had any serious issues yet, happy how integrations and HACS add-ons are running so far.

Contrary view: install Debian 11 on the Nuc. Do a supervised install. You get a fully supervised ha. Minimal (no) overhead.

By the way it is not a Nuc if it’s a Lenovo. Much the same thing though.


I own a lenovo thinkcentre m710 . does it not a nuc pc?
I don’t see performance issue with HA on VM image as my Nas has almost powerful ( cpu 26%-memory 4gb).
I’ve asked your opinion as I’m now in beta test phase . I’ll go to use with all shellys in the next few days.

NUC is a brand name from Intel, This kind of computers are usually called mini pc

what do think if I put the HASSIO on a partition and win10 on other in the minipc SSD ?
I prefer to have not always on the NAS as it has classical WD red drives .

You could perhaps install a SSD into your NAS for faster speeds? What r/w speeds do you require for HASSIO?

I dont’ need faster operation. I prefer to have power off the Nas hard drives.

I decided to install on Lenovo minipc a VM image. I hope not to have usb zigbee or zwave compatibility issues