I am trying to create a simple countup timer with 1/10s resolution, that is activated on a GPIO input, and displayed on a SSD1306 OLED display.
GPIO goes high, OLED switches to “timer” page, and displays a timer counting up: “XX.X s”
GPIO goes low, timer stops counting, and switches back to default display page after 30s
I came across this post which seemed to indicate that the lambda code was looped based on the update_interval
. Using this information, I tried this code:
- platform: ssd1306_i2c
id: my_display
model: "SSD1306 128x64"
update_interval: 0.1s
- id: page2
lambda: |-
// Print timer
static float t = 0.0;
if (id(pump_state).state) {
it.printf(0, 46, id(font2a), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%4.1f s", t);
t+= 0.1;
} else {
it.printf(0, 46, id(font2a), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%4.1f s", t);
which seems to run okay, but the timing is not accurate and seems to be running slower than intended, unless I drastically increase the i2c frequency.
Am I missing something, or is there a completely different/better way to do this?