Beurer HM55 - A BT hygrometer, could it work with HA?

Hello everyone!

First off I’d like to apologize for myself. I seem to write a lot and sometimes it has nothing to do with the post (like this), so please try to filter that stuff out.

I just started using HA and have a lot to learn, especially when it comes to, well, everything really. I’ve played around with HA, I’ve configured my Conbee 2, and have some sensors, switches, lights and outlets - everything seems to work so far.

Second, and more importantly, I have this bluetooth hygrometer from Beurer. It’s called HM55 ( It has an app called FreshRoom for Android ( and can measure temperature and humidity. It syncs over BT.

Perhaps mine is faulty, but every now and then it stops logging in-between syncs. It could be 15 minutes or it could be 12 hours. It’s not unusual that it doesn’t save logs during the night, which is when I need the logs the most as I’m not awake to look at them. It’d be great to have something like HA to periodically sync to instead of relying on me manually starting the app on my phone to sync the (sometimes incomplete) logs.

Would it be possible to somehow get this device to work with HA? My NUC that I use HA on has bluetooth built-in (though I haven’t used it with HA).

I’m more than happy to try out different things and even tear it apart if necessary to help the community (I have Xiaomi sensors on the way, so it’s okay if it breaks), but keep in mind that I have basically zero Linux experience and close to zero experience when it comes to HA. Also, unfortunately, soldering is a no-no.

If nothing else, perhaps I’d be able to help out the community if anyone else would ever want to use one of these HM55’s.

Well, I think that’s it. Thank you to anyone reading this far, and an extra huge hug for anyone taking this on! You’re all awesome!