I am trying to find out if there is a way to use Home Assistant running on Hass.io to control a BiAmp Nexia setup via telnet. what I am finding out there is very limited access to what you can do with telnet with hassio. Does anyone know of a way to get the commands sent to the BiAmp system? Is there any basic matrix style templates out there for audio matrix controls that I can modify to work with a telnet handler?
Got this working just using basic shell commands with scripts to execute them. Still working on the response side but seems to be very responsive so maybe it is not needed.
Here is a sample shell command for the telnet service
m4_vol_down: ‘echo “DEC 3 FDRLVL 9 4 5” | nc 23’
Commands are from BiAmp calculator which you just plug in the IDs and it shoots out the command.
I am working on trying to control a Audia Flex output volume and routing.
Are you able to elaborate on how to implement these commands into Hass.io?
I’ve got the string generated and have been able to issue the telnet commands and control through command prompt from the machine, but integrating the shell commands and and scripts is a little past me. Thanks
I managed to get this to work finally, but I had to add the shell command to the configuration.yaml file.
Adding the command to the shell.yaml file and executing the script would result in an error and the shell command would not execute.
The moment I moved the shell command to the configuration.yaml file, it worked first try.
I just want to thank you all on this thread for posting this. For both the nostalgia of my career and flexibility, I’m considering a Nexia PM for a whole home audio solution and I’m not wanting to use a proper AV control system- that said I am trying to find a RED-1 controller because the iPod style control interface might be fun. cheers!