Binary sensor checking time ok, how to add offset?

You’re right, It’s not my case, and normally I try to avoid triggering something around midnight, because I don’t know what to expect. :wink:

yeah, I know what you mean

But I don’t like loose ends :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Are we just talking about this template?

{{states('input_select.orario_chiusura') == states('sensor.time')}}

No, the OP wants two boolean sensors to be used in automations (hence the complications).
the first one is fine, the second : -

  value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(states('') ~ ' ' ~ states('sensor.time')) == as_timestamp(states('') ~ ' ' ~ states('input_select.orario_chiusura')) + 900 }}"
  friendly_name: 'Chiusura Automatica Box Dopo 15 Minuti'

… has the issue that if it rolls over midnight will never trigger (but works otherwise). it’s imperfect - needs improvement :smiley:

That will work over midnight. You’re converting both sides to timestamps which is a universal integer based off the epoch.

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Yes, that’s what I thought; but look again, if the second trigger rolls over midnight, so will its target time ie its always chasing tomorrow at 00:05 not today at 00:05 (if it was set at 23:50 and the second trigger is thus “Tommorow at 00:05” and it’s always “Tommorow at 00:05” because the first trigger is always “Today at 23:50”)

I see what you’re talking about now. Just gotta offset it minus a day if the initial time is inside a 15 minute window around midnight.

{% set t = states('sensor.time') %}
{% set offset = 900 - 86400 if t > 23:45 else 900 %}
{{ as_timestamp(states('') ~ ' ' ~ t) == as_timestamp(states('') ~ ' ' ~ states('input_select.orario_chiusura')) + offset }}
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Yep, that should work and even better we could define the offset and use the variable in all instances (which will accommodate people with different offsets), that’s even simpler than where I was going with it. :+1:

Just as an update, I put the condition&action part of the second automation into the action part of the first automation.
Everything worked at first try.
Thanks again.