Binary sensor group helper device class

I’ve been playing with the Binary Sensor Group Helper that became available in 2022.4. I want to replace a entity I have created as a Template Sensor. I’m doing this because I believe that, as features become availaible through the UI, I should dispense with the hand-coded equivelents in my configuration.yaml.

Anyway, it appears that a Binary Sensor Group Helper sets its device class based on the original device class of the underlying sensors and disregards when the device class has been overriden through customization.

In my particular case, I have overriden two Philips Hue motion sensors and changed the device classes of the occupancy entities from Occupancy to Motion. However, the Binary Sensor Group Helper has a device class of Occupancy.

Is it possible that the Binary Sensor Group Helper could respect changes made in customization? Or, maybe in an effort to move away from yaml, allow the device class to be set as part of the process of crearing the Binary Sensor Group Helper?

I’m so dumb!

I’ve read the 2022.4 release notes again and found that you can do exactly what I was looking for - you can set the device class for a binary sensor in the UI.