Binary sensor: platform not found

Hi friend. I’m trying to set up a binary sensor but i get this error:

“Platform not found: binary_sensor.yr”

I’m trying with a simple sensor like this:

   - platform: rpi_gpio
     23: xxx

i have a switch rpi_gpio that works very well.
i get the same error even if instead rpi_gpio i use platform template.
It seems that my installation don’t have binary sensor component. I use hassio in the raspberry 3

If you are literally getting the text binary_sensor.yr then you have a typo or something else wrong…

I think we need to see more of your configuration.yaml file to solve this puzzle.

There’s a sensor component called “yr” but I don’t think it’s related to this issue.

yes! i’m stupid today -) :slight_smile: there was a
indentation problem that caused conflit with yr sensor (the icon of weather).

Hello corrobor
could you tell me more in detail, How did you solve the prob
cause i face same error and can’t fix

Thanks in advance

  - platform: dht
    sensor: AM2302                                                               
    pin: 17                                                                      
      - temperature
      - humidity
  - platform: filter
    name: "Temperatura casa"
    entity_id: sensor.dht_sensor_temperature
      - filter: outlier
        window_size: 2                                                               
       radius: 2.0                                                            
  - platform: filter
    name: "Umidità casa"
    entity_id: sensor.dht_sensor_humidity
      - filter: outlier
        window_size: 2
        radius: 5.0