Bitron USB Zigbee stick AV2010/10 - motion sensor issue ONENUO Zigbee motion sensor 808EZ

new to Zigbee I bought theONENUO ZigBee motion sensor on Aliexpress.
When it arrived, I started reading and found out I needed some kind of router.
On Amazon I bought the Bitron stick.

At first all went fine.
I installed ZHA and got the stick found and working, and could pair the motion sensor to the Bitron stick. It appeared to work fine at first.

And after little time the motion sensor appears as ‘unavailable’ (niet beschikbaar) on the dashboard - and I am trying to get things work as expected.

I replaced the sensor battery for a new one. I changed the cable between the raspberryPi and the stick.

Removed the router from the zha configuration. Redone the process of reinstalling the router and the sensor. Now it appears to work fine again for a few hours. And the connection fails again.

Is there some stepwise approach that I can use to debug the situation when it fails ?
Any idea ?

Thanks in advance,

I don’t know about ZHA, but it works with Zigbee2MQTT. Recognized as 809WZT. Unfortunately, it has a 2-second delay when detecting motion, but I think it’s not Z2M but the motion sensor itself. My Aqara ones have no such delay.