G’day – Just new to Home Assistant.
Running on a raspberry pi 4 with 4G memory.
Added the Bluetooth Low Energy Monitor (passive BLE monitor) integration. Discovered the two Xiaomi Mi temperature senors and added them. I accepted the default entity id that was given and the (friendly) name appears as something like “ble temperature A4C138D2C71D”. Obviously this isn’t very friendly so I change the name to “Temperature - Study” leaving the Entity ID the same. This updated the (friendly) name in the list of entities just as I wished.
I also added a history card to my dash board. Unfortunately it has not updated the name to the friendly “Temperature - Study” one as I hoped it would. It has changed the name in other cards but not the history one.
My brother has a similar set up and his works correctly. We both run the same raspberry pi. I’m running the latest software. I’ve rebooted, I’ve tried looking for errors but have not found any.
Any suggestion most welcome.
Its probably some silly new user issue, but I don’t know what it is. I’ve done a lot of googling and reading but haven’t found the answer!